that was a terrible idea. let’s not do that again.
I don’t mind being a part, but that truly is a long time. James and I finally skyped each other last night. I haven’t seen his face in three and a half months. seemed like we spent most of the conversation just staring at each other. hey, I think I remember you. and I might admit, I like you. blushingly, little afraid you might not feel quite the same way. like a bit shy to admit that I like you. oh gosh, I hope you like me too!
it’s like a first date with someone you already know you love like crazy. you just can’t remember the details. not quite being able to remember what it was you loved each other for. I just know that I do and will again. I wonder what it will be like to kiss him again. to wake up with him. to have a person in my life all of a sudden again after getting used to being alone.
some part of it feels unreal. there’s this guy out there somewhere that I’ve had a mad crush on and always miss sharing another moment with him. now he’s coming here. I get to keep him.
I’ll get to kiss him anytime I want.
I must admit I had one amazing summer. I reveled in me. the bliss. the life. the liberty, the true love in life and faith in me. faith in James.
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