I look around me in the sunset or at dawn. I look around me in the storm. I look around me in my little apartment and notice all my colors, I exhale in their light and I exhale for the icicles outside my window. I look around me from the mountain top with my heart fluttering, scared for my next line and give thanks to this life. If I died tomorrow I would die knowing that I have lived an amazing life.
I have lived a chosen life to every measure and I would not regret a thing. I have love for this life, I love every bit of it. every choice I have made in it. no matter how hard or the out come of it, I do not regret a thing.
I love my family and I dearly love all the people who have chosen to have me in their lives. thank you all, for who you are and for everything you have done for me, for watching out for me, for believing in me, to have stood by me, to have shared adventures with me, to have loved this life with me. I could not ask for anything more, for any day in this life. thank you.
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