for a long time i’ve been of the opinion that it takes a year to really get your bearings straight in a new place, to really figure out if the place is right for you or not. i spent the past three days ice climbing and skiing and feel like i am already making quite a few friends and and starting to fill my calendar with all those things that make me excited to be alive.
i have learned one thing about myself that i consider to be a blessing and an amazing gift that makes me able to live a life of wonder. i’ve realized that no matter where i am at or what i am doing in my life i tend to give it my best. where ever i am at i am there. i am somehow able to live in the moment and consistently live my life with a universal approach that applies a mesmerizing sheen of beauty on everything. granted, life has it severe ups and downs, but i’ve quickly learned that i am the only person in charge of my happiness and similarly the only person that can kick myself out of my funk.
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