I never stop to think how lucky I am of my legal freedom. it has been a very, very long time since the long arm of the law would have reached out to me. the less conversations you ever have with a law/government official the better of any American is through out their lifetime.
it’s a sad reality that the juridical system we have in place merely seeks to de-habiliate rather than make anyone a better citizen. if you ever get trapped in the cogwheel, you are a criminal no matter what your involvement really was. even if you plead ‘not-guilty’, you will still be implicated, incarcerated and prosecuted to the full extent of the law. what if you just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time? what if someone pointed a finger at you randomly?
it’s kinda like if my ex would have ever actually gone ahead and sued me… the whole time I just prayed and begged that he would not bring that upon me. once someone does, there’s nothing you can do to stop them, even if they are crazy. anyone can sue anyone, or call the cops n anyone, or accuse anyone of anything. without any legal proof of ground to stand on.
…this is also why I always thought it would be amazingly funny to call the police on my drunk driving ex. like it’s not enough he lost is house, he should lose his drivers license and with it his career. and his freedom.
the effects of such actions are amazingly permanently damaging to most americans. we are not criminals, we are just people living our lives, minding our own business, until suddenly someone minds us. I pray i will be spared from this.
I pray for more years of peaceful freedom to come. and thus I give thanks to my freedom. my political, religious and moral freedom. my life of biss, thanks to all these freedoms and liberties. I am blessed.
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