epic powder dreams come true.

lift access is coming to an end. me and everyone else is scrounging for the last lift accessed turns like crazy. last weekend to ski north summit snowfield. I’m trying to get on with that frenzy. keeping my fingers crossed, …but I think everyone else has the same idea.

I’ve had better seasons. but I can’t complain, I have over fifty days in already, that’s with taking about two months off from skiing. not to mention, my life was not like this even three years ago. it’s not that long that I was desperately even trying to get up to the mountain, twice a week if I was lucky. hard to be a skier living in pdx… so I am really just thankful that I live here and I get to ski amazing shit very often.

I have progressed quite a bit on teles too. I am pretty excited about that. I look forward to getting better skis perhaps next season. perhaps some rossignol S7’s. mm. I borrowed Jurate’s rental pair yesterday to try them out and I am amazed. when I skied those skis I felt like whom ever built them, meant it. like those skis have attitude, a mustache maybe. they ruffled their chest at me and said “I’ve got this”.

this saturday Jurate, Bradley and I met at swifty to catch early chair. I’d left bozeman around six am to make it in time, to buy my passes and be strapped in with coffee in hand, ready to wait. we stayed true to our mission and stood in line about a total of two hours (swifty, triple, tram and then the platform), finally dropping in at 11 am. we skied the north summit snowfield in all it’s glory and got the best skiing I’ve gotten all season, or possibly in years. waist deep powder. no joke. skiing of that summit opened my eyes to a different way of skiing big sky, and really, a different way to ski moonlight. the best way.

ahhh, what an amazing life.

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