I believe in the good spirit of people and I would like to believe that people do not like to harm one another. when I find otherwise I am always saddened and disappointed. and after what I had to live through, helplessly watching myself be treated like shit, not being able to do anything about it but stand by and watch. take it in stride and walk away, with all my bitter hurt and words left unsaid. taking it all with me and making it my crucifix for two years to come. the aftermath.
when I experienced this I did inventory of all my friends and chose to leave a few out of my life because I could not agree how they treated others around them. I promised that I would no longer make excuses for others and their bad behavior.
suddenly I have a friend justifying her actions that I cannot agree with. I have big questions about her integrity. there seems to be a mentality in this country “it’s not my business”. but I believe it is your friends’ job to tell you when you are behaving poorly and your actions are compromising relationships in a very small community. it hurts me to watch it happen to someone and I think I am overly sensitive to it.
in my thirty some years of living I have learned that if someone is capable of treating another person this way, it is also a fact that nothing stops them turning around at some point and doing the same to you. remind me to keep my exes away from her. it kinda makes me lose faith all over again in the goodness of people and sisterhood.
I feel like I cannot be friends with her right now because of what she has done and how defensive she is about it. all the while bad mouthing those who are true friends around her.
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