new year. suppose I should make some promises about something. I have nothing to give. I promise to make 2013 the best year yet in Bozeman. I promise to make lots of new frinends, embrace the ones I already have. I promise to ski more this year than any other year prior. I promise to become a good ski patroller. I promise to be awesome to myself and awesome to those whom I love and those whom are in my life.
I had an amazing new year. I spent friday and saturday patrolling and really loved it as always. even though I feel like a dumb ass rookie and keep making all kinds of mistakes. hah! I drove up to big sky last night to party at a condo in the meadow village. the wine flowed, the company was a riot. we woke up early all hung over and cross eyed with groggy bodies sprawled all along the condo floor. Porter and I went out for breakfast and brought everyone crashing on the condo floor egg-bagels. we went for an amazing tour in beehive basin. skied some amazing powder, I did a few face plants and I had one of the best days I’ve had in a long time. I loved hanging out with Courtney, Tim, Porter and a new friend named Brian. we had a hilarious time and I really loved spending time with Porter. like a lot. I absolutely adore him and to some degree I am crazy about him. I am not sure what that means and I am fairly certain that I am meant to appreciate him as a friend and I am trying to make sure not get lost with that. but I am amazed by him and I love having his companionship. he’s quickly becoming one of my closest friends in bozeman. for some reason it’s incredibly easy to hang out with him and I always have a tremendous time doing so.
when he told me he was done skiing for the day I was bummed knowing I’d have to say good bye to him. I knew I’d actually miss his company. it’s such an odd thing to find myself smitten by someone. so we went and grabbed dinner before the drive home.
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